Frequently Asked Questions
It is an electronic document that replaces a paper receipt and is fully accepted as a traditional document. Since April 2020, there is a legal option to issue e-receipts in an electronic version. You can access your e-receipts from the mobile application and the website
The Receipt HUB is the repository of the Ministry of Finance to which the e-receipt from the cash register will be sent and then from there to the customer’s application. All e-Receipts will be available in the Receipt HUB for 30 days from the date of issue, therefore it is recommended to set the automatic option to download e-Receipts in the MyWallet application.
The KID code (‘Key Information Document’) is a unique number used to identify the entity and documents related to it (e.g. receipts or invoices) prepared in a uniform format and content. If you already have another application for collecting e-receipts, you can transfer the KID code generated in it to the MyWallet application.
Friendly KID is a unique string of numbers or characters that can be used during purchases as a password given to the merchant to connect to your MyWallet account and send receipt details without using the app. Friendly KID may contain any number of characters and is assigned by the User.
The MyWallet app gives you an electronic receipt. Your purchase documents will be stored in MyWallet forever, with easy search, browsing and use when needed, for example when you need to file a complaint or send to accountant.
The app has an intelligent Budget Manager that helps you manage your expenses. You can browse your purchases in many categories, e.g. Home, Food, Clothing, Entertainment, Science. You can control costs and check spending statistics over time.
With MyWallet app you can rely on real, transparent and numerous consumer reviews. You can check ratings and opinions about selected products and services.
A highly toxic substance, Bisphenol A, is used in the receipt production process. If you touch an average of 4 receipts per day, your liver needs 24 hours to neutralize the harmful effects of this substance!!!
If for some reason you don’t want to use our application, you can delete your account by yourself in the Settings tab.
Settings > Delete Account